După primul război mondial alături de şcolile confesionale, în care studiile se făceau în limba maternă, au funcţionat şcolile de stat şi de meserii unde se studia în limba română, existând şi clase de predare în limbile maghiară şi germană.
Învăţământul la sate se desfăşura, în unele cazuri, în clădirile ce aparţineau bisericii. Grupele de grădiniţă aveau programul în aceeaşi sală cu elevii, copiii din clase diferite învăţând într-o singură sală de curs, iar învăţătorul preda “simultan” tuturor copiilor. Elevii nu purtau uniforme, frecventând şcoala în straiele ţărăneşti cotidiene.
Rechizitele şcolare constau din: tăbliţă din gresie, de aproximativ 18×25 cm, fixată în ramă de lemn; pe o faţă avea trasate cu roşu linii paralele, iar pe cealaltă faţă pătrăţele pentru aritmetică; condei, tot o bucată de gresie în formă de creion, cu care se „zgâria” pe tăbliţă lăsând dâre albe.
În clasele primare copiii aveau 3 manuale (citirea, aritmetica, catehismul) pe care le duceau la şcoală într-o straiţă confecţionată din pânză ţesută la război. Prezenţa copiilor la şcoală depindea în mare măsură de muncile câmpului, ei participând în mod frecvent alături de părinţi la toate activităţile gospodăriei.
Materiile studiate la liceu erau în concordanţă cu profilul şcolii respective, dar la majoritatea liceelor se studiau: limba română, limba maghiară, limba germană, limba latină, religia, istoria, geografia, matematica, fizica, chimia, ştiinţele naturii.
Disciplina impusă elevilor era foarte severă, iar cei ce o încălcau aveau parte de pedepse “usturătoare”: 6-8 lovituri de nuia, 12 lovituri de biciuşcă sau chiar carceră! DB


Progresele semnificative pe care le-a avut judeţul în perioada interbelică s-au manifestat şi în domeniul învăţământului, desăvârşirea formării statului naţional unitar român marcând implicit o dezvoltare accentuată a învăţământului în limba română. Concomitent s-au reînfiinţat şi clase cu predare în limba germană (în perioada 1920-1935 existau astfel de şcoli la Beltiug, Ardud, Moftinu Mare, Ciumeşti, Cămin, Homorodu de Jos, Sâi). În judeţ şi-au continuat activitatea şcolile elementare de limbă maghiară şi tradiţionalele licee susţinute de cultele reformat şi romano-catolic.
La începutul secolului XX în Satu Mare funcţionau 10 licee: 3 de băieţi şi 7 de fete (două comerciale, două industriale, trei teoretice, două gimnazii şi o şcoală normală), iar în Carei funcţiona şi un liceu german. Primul liceu sătmărean cu limba de predare română a fost Liceul “Mihai Eminescu” (fostul liceu regal romano-catolic), în ziua de 5 octombrie 1919 desfăşurându-se prima festivitate oficială de deschidere a anului şcolar.
Între anii 1921 şi 1940 s-au construit 124 de şcoli primare şi grădiniţe, ceea ce a dus la creşterea numărului de copii şcolarizaţi, de la un total de 27.453 în anul 1920, la 53.092 în 1940.
În anii Dicatului de la Viena învăţământul în limba română a fost suprimat aproape în totalitate, un număr mare de tineri fiind nevoiţi să se refugieze în România pentru a-şi putea continua studiile.
După anul 1945 a demarat la nivel naţional o campanie de alfabetizare a populaţiei, iar reforma învăţământului din 1948 a dus la creşterea numărului instituţiilor şcolare şi la dezvoltarea bazei materiale, învăţământul devenind, în concepţia politicii partidului comunist, o pârghie importantă în procesul de formare a “omului nou”.
În anul şcolar 1979-1980 în judeţul Satu Mare funcţionau 600 de unităţi şcolare şi preşcolare, din care: 12 licee industriale; 3 agro-industriale; 1 de matematică-fizică; 1 economic şi de drept administrativ; 1 de filologie-istorie; 1 pedagogic; 1 sanitar, 133 şcoli generale şi secţii cu limba de predare maghiară, 10 secţii cu limba de predare germană, 175 grupe preşcolare cu limba de predare maghiară, 11 grupe preşcolare cu limba de predare germană, un liceu cu limba de predare maghiară, o secţie cu limba de predare germană, în cadrul Liceului industrial din Carei. În anul 1972 s-a înfiinţat o secţie de subingineri, aparţinând Institutului Politehnic din Cluj-Napoca. DBAz első világháború után az anyanyelvi felekezeti iskolák mellett az állami és mesteriskolák is működtek, ahol románul vagy magyarul esetleg német nyelven folyt az oktatás. A falusi iskolák sokszor egyházi épületekben kaptak helyet. Itt az óvodás korú gyermekek és a más-más korú kisiskolások többnyire ugyanazon tantermen osztozkodtak. A tanító „párhuzamosan” foglalkozott velük. A nebulók nem hordtak egyenruhát, mindennapi viseletre szánt paraszti ruhákban koptatták a padokat.
Tanszereik a következők voltak: palatábla: kb. 18×25 cm méretű, fakeretes, egyik oldalán íráshoz meghúzott vörös vonalakkal, a másikon ugyanolyan színű kockázattal a számoláshoz; palavessző: ceruza-hosszúságú rúd, amellyel fehér csíkokat húzhattak a táblára. Az elemibe járóknak 3 tankönyvük volt: olvasás, számtan, katekizmus. Ezeket háziszőttes tarisznyában hordták az iskolába, azokon a napokon, amikor a szülőknek éppen nem volt szüksége munkás kézre a gazdaságban.
A középiskolás tananyag az illető tanintézmény profiljától függött. Román, magyar, német, latin nyelvoktatás mellett általában vallást, történelmet, földrajzot, valamint matematikát, fizikát, kémiát és természetismeretet tanítottak. Az iskolai fegyelem szigorú volt. A kihágók kemény büntetést kaptak – esetenként 6-8 vesszőcsapást, 12 ostorütést, olykor egyenesen a zárkába kerültek!


Az egységes román nemzeti állam létrehozásának következményei, a Szatmár megyei román tannyelvű oktatás hangsúlyos fejlesztésében is megnyilvánultak. Mindez párosulva a társadalmi igények fejlődésével, a megye tanügyi hálózatának nagyarányú bővülését hozta. A román és magyar iskolák mellett működtek az újraalakult német iskolák is: 1920–1936 között Krasznabélteken, Erdődön, Nagymajtényban, Csomaközön, Kálmándon, Alsóhomoródon, Színfaluban.
Szatmárnémetiben 10 középiskola működött, 3 fiú- és 7 leányiskola, azaz 2 kereskedelmi, 2 ipari, 3 elméleti, 2 gimnázium és 1 tanítóképző. Nagykárolyban német líceum működött. Az első szatmárnémeti román nyelvű középiskola a Mihai Eminescu Líceum volt, amely az egykori Római Katolikus Királyi Gimnázium helyére került. Az első tanévnyitót 1919. október 5-én tartották.
1921–1940 között 124 óvodát és elemi iskolát létesítettek. Így az említett két időpont között 27.453-ról 53.092-re emelkedett a beiskolázottak száma. Ennek ellenére 1938-ban a megye 309.105 lakosából 26.451 továbbra is írástudatlan maradt.
A bécsi döntést követő években a román oktatást csaknem teljes egészében felszámolták és nagyszámú fiatal arra kényszerült, hogy Romániába menekülve folytassa tanulmányait.
1945 után országos szintű beiskolázási kampány kezdődött. Az 1948-as tanügyi reform eredményeképpen jelentősen növekedett a tanintézmények száma és sokat javult ezek felszereltsége is. A kommunista párt felfogásában a tanügy „az új ember” megformálásának kitűntetett területévé vált. A tanulólétszám megyénkben is rohamosan nőni kezdett: 1968-ban 82.532, 1975-ben 98.997, 1980-ban pedig 106.864 volt a tanulók létszáma.
Az 1979-1980-as tanév során a Szatmár megyében 600 tanintézet működött: 12 ipari líceum, 3 ipari-mezőgazdasági líceum, 1-1 matematika-fizika, közgazdasági és közigazgatási, bölcsészeti, pedagógiai, egészségügyi líceum, 133 általános iskola magyar tagozattal, 10 általános és középiskola német tagozattal, 175 óvoda magyar tagozattal, 11 óvoda német tagozattal, 1 magyar tannyelvű líceum, 1 német tannyelvű tagozat a nagykárolyi Ipari Líceum keretén belül. 1972-ben a kolozsvári Politechnikai Intézet fiókjaként működő almérnöki tagozatot hoztak létre Szatmárnémetiben.After the First World War, beside the confessional schools where the teaching was in the mother tongue, also schools of state and vocational schools operated, where the teaching languages were Romanian, as well as Hungarian or German.
In the villages the schools often operated in the buildings belonging to the church. The kindergarten groups of children were unfolding their activity in the same room with the pupils of the elementary school. It was quite common, that students of different grades were studying in the same room, and the schoolmaster was teaching all groups at the same time. Students didn’t have uniforms; they were wearing at school their traditional daily clothes.
The school objects were: slate-board, a cca. 18×25 cm square, wooden framed plate. The board was drawn with red parallel lines on one side, and with squares for arithmetic on the other one; the slate-pencil, a piece of sharp pen, used to scratch the board leaving white marks.
In primary school, students had 3 textbooks (reading, arithmetic and catechism) which they would carry at school in a bag made of linen, weaved in the loom. The attendance in school mostly depended on the field work, because children used to participate frequently to all household activities with their parents.
The subjects studied in high school were in accordance with the specialization of the school, but in most high schools were studied: Romanian, Hungarian, German, Latin, Religion, History, Geography, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Science.
Students were imposed a very severe discipline, and those who failed to fulfill the requirements were “painfully” punished: 6-8 rod strikes, 12 whip strikes or even they were lock-up for hours! DB


A significant development of the educational system in the county of Satu Mare was made in the period between the two World Wars. The integration of the Romanian national state meant an increased development of the teaching in the Romanian language. German language teaching classes were reestablished at Beltiug, Ardud, Moftinu Mare, Ciumeşti, Cămin, Homorodu de Jos, Sâi between 1920–1935. At the same time, several elementary schools and the traditional high schools of the Calvinist and Catholic churches continued their activity in Hungarian language.
In Satu Mare were 10 high schools at the beginning of the 20th century: 3 for boys and 7 for girls. Two of which offered commercial, other two industrial and three theoretical specialization, while two institution was secondary school and one educated teachers. In Carei, among the others, a German High school was founded. The first high school of Satu Mare in Romanian language was “Mihai Eminescu” high school (the former royal Roman-Catholic high school), officially opened at 5th of October 1919.
The building of 124 primary schools and kindergartens between 1921 and 1940, led to the increasing rate of schooled children from 27.453 in the year 1920, up to 53.092 in 1940.
During the integration of Satu Mare in Hungary, from 1940 to 1944, the teaching in Romanian was almost completely suppressed, and many students had to take refuge in Romania in order to continue their studies.
A campaign of teaching the people was started at national level, in the years following 1945. The reform in education increased the number of institutions and led to the development of the infrastructure, the education becoming in accordance to the policy of the communist party the main support for the making of the “new man”. The number of students in the County of Satu Mare increased significantly in this period: 82.532 students in 1968; 98.997 students in 1975; 106.864 students in 1980. In the County of Satu Mare County 600 schools and kindergartens functioned in year 1979–1980: 12 was industrial high-school; 3 agro-industrial high-school; 1 high-school with specialization in Mathematics and Physics; 1 high-school in Economics and Administrative Law; 1 high-school in Philology and History; 1 pedagogical and 1 sanitary high-school; 133 primary schools with Hungarian section; 10 units with German section; 175 kindergarten with groups in Hungarian, and 11 with the teaching language in German; 1 high school with Hungarian language teaching, one section within the Industrial High school in Carei with teaching language in German. In 1972, a unit of the Polytechnic Institute of Cluj-Napoca was opened, for deputy-engineers. DB

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