Conferința internațională ”Collectors, founders, museums in Eastern Europe in the 19th-20th century”

În cadrul conferinței ”Collectors, founders, museums in Eastern Europe in the 19th-20th century” organizată în proiectul COMODI colegii noștri, Hágó Attila și Szőcs Péter susțin prezentări. Conferința internațională are ca temă: Istoria muzeelor.

A COMODI projekt keretében rendezett konferencián tart előadást Hágó Attila és Szőcs Péter kolléga. A nemzetközi konferencia tematikája a múzeumok történelméről szól, címe:
Collectors, founders, museums in Eastern Europe in the 19th-20th century”.

Within the organized framework and conference of the COMODI project, our dear colleagues Hágó Attila and Szőcs Péter, have participated to the event with their presentations. The theme of the conference is museum history, with the title of the conference being:
Collectors, founders, museums in Eastern Europe in the 19th-20th century.

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